Introduction to Rest Assured
Setup Automation Test Project:
Introduction on Test API's & Setup a project with RA library
Creating First API test:
GET request API test & Validate the response
Sending query parameters & validating response
Working with query params and path params
Basic Header validation
Extracting Response Body values with JsonPath
Response Header and Body validations using Hamcrest Matchers
Understanding various Hamcrest Matchers
POST Request with payload
PUT/PATCH request with payload
DELETE request
Deep Dive:
What is missing?
Serialization and Deserialization in Rest Assured
Creating POJO class
Validating API Responses with created POJO
Serializing data with POJO classes for POST and PUT / PATCH payload
BDD Framework:
Developing framework from scratch with Cucumber BDD, Maven & JUnit
Adding logging capabilities
Integrating reporting tool
Framework Folder structure for API automation
Creating global variables
Creating end to end API automation scripts
Adding assertions
Creating Categories for execution control
Script Execution and viewing the reports